Carpet Stain Treatment

Capital Steam Cleaners consider what products you may have onsite and suggest the best option for stain removal!
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Carpet Stain Removal Treat Sheet

Fairly Easy, Detergent mix. Rinse with small amounts of water
Difficult Rinse with mild detergent mix using only cold water. Rinse further with cloudy ammonia solution. Rinse with white wine vinegar solution
Fairly Easy, Detergent mix, blot, warm fresh water rinse, blot
Difficult, Detergent mix, blot, white wine vinegar solution then blot
Difficult, Methylated Spirits or White Spirits may work
Dyes or Cordial
Difficult, Best left to Carpet Cleaning Perth Technician. Call Capital Steam Cleaners Tel:0420481765
Difficult, Apply ammonia solution when fresh, rinse with fresh water and blot, apply white wine vinegar solution, blot
Easy or Warm Water with detergent solution, blot
Grease or oil
Easy, Apply Dry Cleaning Fluid to white absorbent cloth, dab or wipe the mark, do not scrub.
Hard, Can use Methylated Spirits or Isopropyl Alcohol (rubbing liniment) if still fresh. Dab at spot with white cloth, do not scrub
Easy, Detergent mix, blot, warm fresh water rinse, blot
Medium, Apply Dry Cleaning Fluid to a clean white cloth and dab at the mark – do not rub, detergent mix sparingly, rinse sparingly with fresh water
Make up
Can be hard, Vacuum, Apply Dry Cleaning Fluid to a clean, white cloth and dab at the mark – do not rub, detergent mix sparingly, rinse sparingly with fresh water
Difficult, Best left to Carpet Cleaning Perth Technician. Call Capital Steam Cleaners Tel: +61 420 481765
Nail Polish
Difficult Use acetone based nail polish remover, DO NOT RUB! Colour may transfer to carpet fibre, call Capital Steam Cleaners if this is the case
Paint (w/ based)
Difficult, Apply methylated spirits sparingly, agitate lightly, wipe with absorbent cloth.
Paint (oil based)
Difficult, Apply Turpentine when still wet sparingly (DON’T OVER USE- Will damage carpet)
Pot plant stains
Reasonable Apply white wine vinegar, leave for several minutes, then blot
Red wine
Easy if fresh Blot up spill, apply white wine, blot, apply Bicarbonate of Soda
Difficult, Application of lemon juice + light agitation may sometimes have an effect.
Shoe Polish
Difficult, Apply Methylated Spirits. Soak up and repeat as long as there is improvement.
Easy, Blot first, detergent mix sparingly, blot again, fresh water rinse and blot
Difficult, Detergent mix, blot, white wine vinegar then blot
Tomato sauce
Fairly easy, Detergent mix, ammonia solution, rinse + blot, then white wine vinegar solution and blot
Difficult Apply ammonia solution when fresh, rinse with fresh water and blot, apply white wine vinegar solution, blot
Moderately difficult, Will depend on what has been ingested, but normally a good carpet detergent will remove most of the stain whilst fresh
Very Difficult Best left to Carpet Cleaning Perth Technician. Call Capital Steam Cleaners Tel: +61 420 481765
Wood stains
Difficult, Best left to Carpet Cleaning Perth Technician. Call Capital Steam Cleaners Tel:+61 420 481765
Remember all our details for any questions and enquiries: Contact Sean at Capital Steam Cleaners, EMail:, Tel: +61 420 481765
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